What am I registering for?

You are registering for the Cub Scouts program of Boys Scouts of America (BSA). The program accepts Boys and Girls from grades K-5.

This is different from scouting programs offered by Girl Scouts of the USA.

Annual Dues – How much is it?

Each Scout joining for the 2023-2024 academic school year will need to pay $180 in annual dues.  This includes:

In addition to the annual dues, also see the question about additional costs that also needs to be planned for.

What does my Pack Annual Dues cover?

Pack1000 annual dues cover the following:

NOTE: The above is a non-exhaustive list and varies from year to year. Pack 1000 is a non-profit, volunteer organization. The Pack reviews its budget regularly and may adjust Pack Fees and activities included in the fees per the decision of the Pack Leadership Committee.

What are other costs that I need to consider which are not covered by my Pack Annual Dues?

Below is just an indicative cost to give new scout parents an idea. For the school year - all scouts will need to pay for:

Are there fundraising opportunities for scouts to pay-their-own-way?

Pack 1000 participates in BSA approved fundraising activities and encourages it’s member scouts to pay-their-own-way. The scouts earn (non-cash) credits that may be applied to annual membership renewals and camping payments over approx. 2 year (current and next year) periods. There are no unused credit refunds.

When can I join?

The ideal time to start is at the beginning of the school year, but Scouts are welcome to join at anytime. We would recommend scouts to join as early as possible. The pack generally follows the school year as their calendar.

Are Annual dues pro-rated? Are there refunds?

Pack annual dues are NOT pro-rated as the dues are based on activities of the Pack for the whole school year.

Similarly, no refunds are provided for missing an activity or campout. However, there are a few activities that are covered by fundraising events. For such activities – any unused credit may be applied to next year’s dues. There will be no refund or cash payout under usual circumstances. Any specific circumstances/scenarios may be discussed with the Pack Cub Master/Leadership.

How much time commitment is required?

Will I be required to volunteer or take up a leadership position?

Yes. Please note that this is a fully volunteer (parents like you) run organization. At least 1 scout parent is required to volunteer. If you have a specific skill – accountant, wood working, STEM, engineering, nurse/medical professional etc. – we would encourage you to take up a leadership position that matches your skills/interests. 

The more you can contribute to the Pack,, the more your scout will get in return.

What do we need to buy for Campouts?

A good starting point is this list here from BSA's own Scout Life magazine.


What do we need to bring on a Hike outing? What type of clothes should I wear and what gear to carry?

Hiking should include:

